Every Master Mason has encountered the ritual phrase “So Mote It Be” numerous times in the lodge. This phrase, which means “so may it be,” is repeated by a group of Masons at the end of a ritual, similar to how religious congregations say “Amen” in response to a prayer’s ending. “Amen”
Harry Truman: President & Freemason
In 1939, Harry S. Truman wrote, “Freemasonry is a system of morals which makes it easier to live with your fellow man, whether he understands it or not.” Few men were as devoted to the teachings of our fraternity as President Truman. He believed in following the core tenants of Brotherly
Masters Message: Modern Men
I believe that in this day and age, that men especially need a strong moral and enlightened compass to not just be “modern” men but strong, brave, honorable, and respected men. -W.B. Charles C. Call
Masters Message: Packing My Parachute
Written by: Kevin J. Hack The year 2020 has been a most challenging year to say the least and as the new year approaches, it causes one to stop and reflect on the past year and then to look forward to the coming year. Over the Holidays, I lost my
Education: Brother Gerald Ford
Ill. Brother Gerald Ford, 33° joined the fraternity in 1949 alongside his three half-brothers, Thomas, Richard, and James at Malta Lodge No. 465 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He later became a Master Mason at Columbia Lodge No. 3, Washington D.C., on May 18, 1951, and was the last president who
Masters Message: Rules of Civility
Written by: Kevin J. Hack George Washington joined the Masonic Lodge in Fredericksburg Virginia at the age of 20 in 1752. During the War of Independence, General Washington attended Masonic celebrations in New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. Washington also supported Masonic Lodges that formed within Army regiments. At his
Masters Message: Meet, Act, & Part
Written by: Kevin Hack “Eighty percent of life’s satisfaction comes from meaningful relationships.”-Brian Tracy Al Ritter has written a book titled “The 100/0 Principle.” You can find the short read by googling Simple Truths. Ritter points out that most of us have heard the notion that relationships should be a
157th Installation of Officers
Three Tenets of Freemasonry
BROTHERLY LOVE: Devotion to and caring for each other and our community RELIEF: Concern for and selfless giving to those in distress TRUTH: Using knowledge, honesty, and understanding to build ourselves into better men
155th Anniversary
155 years ago on October 4th, 1865, Watseka Lodge #446 was formally chartered. The members of our lodge have been through the turn of 2 centuries, the Great Depression and Great Recession, and multiple natural disasters but have continued to work to improve themselves as individuals and the communities they