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February Stated Meeting

The February Stated Meeting will again be held in the Sheldon Masonic Lodge Hall on February 3rd. Supper will be at 6:30pm with the meeting[…]

January Stated Meeting

The January Stated Meeting will again be held in the Sheldon Masonic Lodge Hall on January 6th. Supper will be at 6:30pm with the meeting[…]

Holiday Dinner

The members of the Lodge will bring their families for a Holiday Dinner at La Potosina. The dinner will be at 6:30pm and will be[…]

December Stated Meeting

The December Stated Meeting will again be held in the Sheldon Masonic Lodge Hall on December 2nd. Supper will be at 6:30pm with the meeting[…]

Work Meeting

The Watseka Lodge will be meeting at 777 West Walnut to conduct clean up on the building. Supper will be at 6:30pm and we will[…]

November Stated Meeting

The November Stated Meeting will again be held in the Sheldon Masonic Lodge Hall on November 4th. Supper will be at 6:30pm with the meeting[…]


Our Watseka Lodge will be holding a night of Masonic Discussion on October 21st, 2015 at the Sheldon Masonic Lodge Hall. Come with any questions[…]


The Watseka Masonic Lodge will be hosting a Re-Dedication ceremony on October 24th at 1:00pm to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Lodge being chartered.[…]

October Stated Meeting

The October Stated Meeting will again be held in the Sheldon Masonic Lodge Hall on October 7th. Supper will be at 6:30pm with the meeting[…]

Third Wednesday

The Watseka Lodge will be meeting at Monical’s for a dutch treat supper at 6:00pm on Wednesday, September 16th. Please bring your family, friends, and[…]